Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reprint the power nine? No.

I sent this letter to the editor of Inquest regarding a piece which ran in their January 2007 issue.


I've been reading Inquest for a long time and I think "The Magic Debate" from January 2007 is far and away the dumbest thing I've read yet. You want to reprint the power nine to put them in the hands of new collectors but you want to ban them from Standard. So basically your whole rationale for reprinting them is to screw the people who have paid fair market value for theirs or who were around since the beginning of the game? Hopefully this was just your poor idea of a joke.

I was around when Chronicles was printed and the anger and resentment it provoked in older players reverberated through the game for years. Many older players gave up the game because the time and money they had spent finding older cards was tossed out the window in one set.

I do have most of the power nine now and I've paid handsomely to get those cards. Reprinting them wouldn't get new players into older formats, especially if they couldn't play with the cards in Standard (and their effect on Standard would make Skullclamp look like Squire). They might get a newer player into an Extended deck but Legacy and Vintage would still be out of reach. Should Wizards also reprint all the real dual lands? Mishra's Workshop? Bazaar of Baghdad? Berserk?

There are a lot of cards which are out of reach of younger collectors. New collectors who are willing to spend the time or money to find older cards can still do so. Reprinting the power nine and banning them from Standard would succeed in angering every segment of the Magic community.


Blogger zilla said...

This is the same old retarded argument that is presented every time someone mentions reprinting the older cards. Whoo you paid top dollar so you could have every card in the game and are now able to play with the hundred other people who have the same card access. I hope you have loads of fun playing with yourselves while everyone else tosses magic out the window after 3 years to go find another pastime.

1:29 PM  

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